Tangram News

The Magic of New Beginnings

Apr 1, 2022 | Mission Moments

At Tangram, we like to say, “Trust in the magic of new beginnings.” We all know change can be hard and sometimes daunting, but this mantra helps us focus on the positive possibilities that come with change.

This is something Jeremiah has experienced first hand. Last summer, the grandmother that Jeremiah was living with passed away. He was close with his grandmother, and as such, didn’t do much socializing outside of his home. Not only was he grieving the loss of a loved one and a pillar of his support system, but he was also faced with a big change in his living situation—a lot for one person to handle!

He moved in with his parents and his other grandmother, but was feeling anxious about this move because he wasn’t sure how they would all get along. With guidance from his Tangram Behavioral Consultant, Lee, Jeremiah kept an open mind and soon developed a new routine of doing chore, exercising, and helping his family.

These small steps soon snowballed into Jeremiah really finding his rhythm in life. He started going
to church in-person again, and reconnected with old friends there. Jeremiah and his friends have
gone out for meals and went to see holiday lights at the State Fairgrounds. He also started using
public transportation and joined a gym. And now, he is working with Vocational Rehabilitation to
find a job so that he can move into his own place.

“Jeremiah is a generous and creative guy who makes a positive impact on others. I am really proud
of him,” said Lee.

If you had asked Jeremiah last summer how he felt about change, he would have told you that he
was apprehensive and uncertain. But now, he knows the truth—there is magic is new beginnings!

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