Tangram News

A Magnificent Milestone for Brian

Jan 1, 2022 | Mission Moments

Life is full of different milestones, but the type of milestone that Brian is celebrating is something that most people don’t

This year, Brian is celebrating his 28th year of employment with Kroger. If you ask him what he does, he says he mainly takes care of the carts and helps with cleaning, but a short conversation with him unveils more than that.

“I’ve helped train new people, and we were recognized as heroes during the COVID-19 pandemic,” he recalls with pride.

As a grocery employee, Brian was an essential worker during the pandemic. His manager, Creshendo, confirmed his dedication to his job, saying, “Brian never stopped working during COVID-19.

He works Monday through Friday for about 6 hours every day.”

“And sometimes I come in on the weekends,” Brian added.

While talking to Brian, it is easy to see that he loves his job. He agrees that it’s nice to have the income, but he also said he likes the people he works with and the customers he has an opportunity to serve.

Brian’s accomplishment is his own, but Tangram provides the necessary supports, such as transportation, that empower Brian to keep doing what he loves. We are proud to recognize this amazing milestone and extend our congratulations to Brian, as well as our thanks to Kroger for their commitment to inclusion!

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